World’s Worst Giacchino Scores

**UPDATE: June 2022 – From ‘Lightyear’ soundtrack**

The official soundtrack for the upcoming Batman movie – titled ‘The Batman’ – was just released. It was composed by Michael Giacchino and he has habit for naming his tracks with silly puns and jokes.

One of his trademark though is naming a track that begins with “World’s Worst…..”. It’s a tradition he started back in 2004 when he was composing for the tv show LOST. In season 1, he named a track ‘World’s Worst Beach Party’.

Since then, Michael Giacchino has been naming several of his tracks beginning with ‘World’s Worst’ in several of his projects from Mission Impossible to Spider-Man. His latest one is called “World’s Worst Translator” from The Batman soundtrack.

I counted 18 tracks in total (I might’ve missed some). So you have the ‘World’s Worst…

  1. …Beach Party (LOST)
  2. …Landscaping (LOST)
  3. …Last 4 Minutes (Mission Impossible III)
  4. …Road Rage (Speed Racer)
  5. …Car Wash (LOST)
  6. …Field Trip (Super 8)
  7. …Parking Valet (Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol)
  8. …Curtain Call (Toy Story of Terror!)
  9. …Animal Shelter (Zootopia)
  10. Astral Worlds Worst Killer (Dr Strange)
  11. …Babysitters (Incredibles II)
  12. …Bedtime Storyteller (Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom)
  13. …Water Feature (Spider-Man Far From Home)
  14. …Worst Rideshare (Let Him Go)
  15. …Landing (Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond)
  16. …Friendly Neighbour (Spider-Man No Way Home)
  17. …Translator (The Batman)
  18. …Self-Destruct Sequence (Lightyear)

I put them all in a playlist.

The Walking Dead is literally the new LOST


So the third season of The Walking Dead finished recently and I can’t help feel a sense of deja vu at the whole series so far. No, it’s not because I’ve read the comic books from which the show is based on – there are several significant changes to the characters and the plot structure to make it distinct enough from the source material.

Then I realized that I’ve seen this story on television before! The show was called LOST.


Let’s break it down shall we

NOTE: I’ve read the two compendiums of Walking Dead graphic novels – that’s 96 issues. Plus I know bits and pieces of things that happened beyond that. The Walking Dead comics came before Lost but I can’t help but notice the similarities of the TV show (not the comics) to Lost. And this is mostly just for fun.


Continue reading

LOST – Things don’t stay buried on the Island

You’ll be seeing many characters you haven’t seen since the first season” said Damon Lindelof, one of the creator/producers of LOST at the recent Comic Con. Yup, it seems like the writers of LOST are planning to give some deceased characters a last hurrah before the series ends on May 2010. So who’s gonna show up and who’s not? Here’s the rundown

*SPOILER ALERT!! Look away if you don’t want to be spoiled*



Death: Season 5 Episode 17 – Incident pt 2
Sacrificing herself by hitting a hydrogen bomb repeatedly with a rock in an attempt to change the course of history. This happened after she fell down a shaft after being pulled down by a strong electromagnetic force.

Capacity of return:

  • See her immediately to resolve the cliffhanger ending
  • Going to be in “two tenths of the season” (20%)
  • “And there’ll be some… I don’t know… you know that thing where you kind of sigh a little bit because there’s a bit of a resolution, we will have that, which is good.” – Elizabeth Mitchell

Personal theory:
She’ll be in some alternate timeline that will see her reunited with her sister.


Death: Season 5 Episode 14 – The Variable
Idiotically went to the Others’ camp and demanded Richard, at gunpoint, to take him to his mom (young version of his mom) only to be shot by her!! Of course, the young version of his mom didn’t know she just shot his own son.

Capacity of return:

  • At Comic Con, Damon and Carlton said that we will see Faraday again

Personal theory:
Either in a flashback or an alternate timeline. But I’m positively sure that he’ll show up to explain what is going on after the explosion whether it’s an alternate timeline, reset, our Losties mind jumping through time, course correction, etc


Death: Season 3 Episode 23 – Through the Looking Glass part 3
Locked himself in a flooded room to save his friend Desmond. Before that he managed to 1) turn off the jamming signal thus enabling Jack to radio the freighter 2) contact Penny thus made it possible for her to rescue the survivors and reunite with his lover Desmond 3) warned the rest that the Freighter folks aren’t entirely who they say they are. In other words, Charlie’s sacrifice was significant.

Capacity of return:

My personal theory:
I’m not sure how but I have a feeling that his return will be something big. Just look at the hints they dropped: Hurley’s carrying a guitar case given by Jacob, Sun finding Charlie’s driveshaft ring and Dominic Monaghan’s appearance at the LOST panel in Comic Con.

Charlie’s return will probably significantly drive the plot just as his death was. How? Most likely it has something to do with Claire’s and Aaron’s storyline

Speaking of Claire…


Disappearance: Season 4 Episode 10 – Something Nice Back Home
Claire saw his ghost daddy and followed him to the jungle leaving baby Aaron with Sawyer. Next, she was in a creepy Cabin with her dad and acting strange. Finally, she was in Kate’s dream and warning her not to bring Aaron back to the island.

Capacity of return:

  • Back as a regular cast again after a one season absence

Personal Theory:
We last saw her in a cabin with her dad and that Cabin is now empty so she must be somewhere else. I think she’s in the temple or some other mysterious island location that we haven’t seen yet. Just like how Faraday served as our guide through the scientific element of the show, Claire’s story may play the same role but for the supernatural element (Jacob, MIB, Temple, etc).


Death: Season 1 Episode 20 – Do No Harm
Locke temporarily lost his ability to use his leg therefore he asked Boone to climb up a cliff and search a crashed beechcraft. Locke believed he’ll find something that can help them open the hatch…Locke was wrong. Instead Boone found some heroin and later the plane fell down the cliff and seriously injured Boone. Boone then suffered a slow painful death while being treated by Jack and his crazy ‘JackFaces’.

Capacity of return

  • unknown but he’s definitely back
  • LOST remains my best experience as an actor, and my departure was
    really traumatising for me. I don’t know in what form or shape Boone
    will be back, and I don’t care. Nothing could have pleased me more than
    to take part of the last season of the show that has brought me so
    much. I’ve already prepared my luggage!
    ” – Ian Somerhalder

Personal Theory:
In an alternate timeline or as ghost that haunts Locke/Flocke. I think he’ll probably be in an alternate timeline (IF an alternate timeline is created after the explosion). But I’m sure whatever form he’ll return in, I don’t think he will play a big role…not as significant as Charlie. But hey it’s LOST..anything can happen…he could be the smoke monster!!


Death: Season 4 Episode 14 – There’s No place like Home Part 2
Was freezing a ticking time bomb which bought some time for the rest of the survivors to hop into the helicopter and escape the freighter before it exploded. Unfortunately, Michael was still aboard when it did.

Interest in return:
Only if there’s some way that they’re getting back to all of those
original characters that we started the journey with, and if that’s so
then that makes sense to me. I don’t know other than that how it makes
” – Harold Perrineau

Personal opinion:
If a character like Boone is back then I want Michael to be back as well. I would be satisfied if he only return as ghost or in Walt’s dream. I want one last reunion between Michael and Walt please!!

**UPDATE 29/01/2010**

Damon and Carlton confirmed his return during the TCA press tour

“There are two big hopes I have for Michael,” says Harold. “One is I hope he gets to apologize to his son.” (Unlikely, says exec producer Carlton Cuse, explaining it’s tricky to bring back Malcolm David Kelley, now 17, because “he looks much older than his character. But we’re still seeing if there’s a way to work that out.”)

Harold’s second hope: “That I get to apologize to Libby, since her death was really an accident.” (Oops!)


Death: Season 2 Episode 20 – Two For the Road

Michael accidentally shot her after shooting Ana Lucia

Personal opinion:

The producers have said that Libby’s story is over so she’s not coming back.

**UPDATE 29/01/2010**

SHE’s BACK!!! – confirmed by Damon and Carlton during TCA press tour


Death: Season 2 Episode 6 – Abandoned

She was accidently shot by Ana Lucia

Personal opinion:

If Boone is returning then why not Shannon?

**UPDATE 29/01/2010**

Not looking good:

Reliable inside sources tell me she’s the only original cast member so far who has been asked back to the series and unable to return. She has not shot any new scenes for the final Lost season.

However, according to her rep, Maggie had a very good reason for not making the trek to Hawaii: “She did three movies back to back to back and just got back from filming last Thursday.”

**UPDATE 04/03/2010**


“We’re really excited about having her back on the show,” says Cuse, “and we have a good story for her.” The producers would not specify how many episodes she would appear in.

Ana Lucia

Death: Season 2 Episode 20 – Two For the Road

Michael shot Ana Lucia to free Ben

Personal opinion:

I think her story is done and her appearance in early Season 5 served as a little ‘final bow’ for her character.

**UPDATE 04/03/2010**

Confirmed to be back!

Sources confirm to me exclusively that Rodriguez will reprise her role as late 815 tailie Ana-Lucia in at least one of the show’s final episodes.



Death: Season 3 Episode 5 – Cost of Living
Eko refused to confess his sins to the ghostly vision of his brother. As a result, his ghost brother revealed his true self – A F***ing SMOKE MONSTER!! Smoke monster killed Eko.


Adewale is open for business. We have had talks about some things they might do for the final season and there are other dead folks coming back allegedly but at the moment it is still a maybe. A strong maybe but I have not shot anything yet or signed any contracts. But I’m hoping.” – Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Personal opinion:
Eko was one of the coolest character and deserves to make at least one final appearance before the show ends. My idea? Eko’s ghost scaring the living shit out of Flocke!! OR Eko’s ghost vs Smoke monster!! I want a rematch!!!


Ps: My first blog post published from Flock internet browser

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Lost – No Place Like Home

The fourth season of LOST ended few days ago and the 8 month wait for the next season begins!! Nooooo!!

This is the best Lost finale yet (yes, even surpassing last year’s “OMG it’s a flash forward” episode).It has action, drama, romance and several moments of suspense. Oh and answers too….and new questions hahaha. I’m not gonna do a recap but just pointing out few things.

**Warning! This post contains spoilers for those who haven’t seen it yet** 

Continue reading

Not Penny’s Boat – LOST’s new island residents *Spoilers*

Who would’ve thought that a show about a group of plane crash survivors stranded on an island would be able continually introduce new characters. In each season, Lost introduces a new group of characters: the Tailies in Season 2 and the Others in Season 3. Now they’re doing it again for Season 4 with the arrival of the Freighter people who are seen by some survivors to be their best hope for rescue and seen by others as the bringer of doom.

Introducing characters in Lost are risky. Some new characters were compelling and have easily become fan favourites (eg Mr.Eko, Desmond, Juliet, Ben) while some didn’t click with the fans (eg. Nikki & Paolo). So let’s take a sneak peek at the new characters and guess who will stick around. 

**Warning Major Spoilers Ahead**

Daniel Faraday – Jeremy Davies

Daniel Faraday

A brilliant mathematician and deep thinker who is capable of great insights and has a tremendous knowledge across various scientific fields. He sometimes struggles socially by being too direct and disconnected in his interpersonal relationships. While an empiricist by trade he is humbled and fascinated by the magic and mystery of all in this world that cannot be explained by science.

From the clips and spoilery scene descriptions I’ve read, I think people will like this guy. This clumsy nerdy character could give us insights into the mysterious properties of the island. 

Prediction: He’ll become a regular and Jeremy Davies is a talented actor.

Miles Straume – Ken Leung

Miles Straume

A hothead with a unique gift.

“He’s after something he can get on the island, Or Somebody. Miles don’t know how to be social, which is great because I don’t know how to be social”

-Ken Leung

Highlight for spoilers:  He apparently can talk to the dead.

Prediction: Interesting character but I just have a feeling he won’t survive till the end of the Season. But let’s hope I’m wrong coz we need another Asian dude in this show.

Charlotte Lewis – Rebecca Mader

Charlotte Lewis

Very attractive in a naturalistic, athletic way, her looks are only one
small part of charms. Precocious, loquacious, and funny, Charlotte a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world. On a personal level it is hard to crack the hard shell of poise and certainty around her, but when it DOES crack its like an egg; lots of repressed and pent up emotions spill out.

Highlight for spoilers: She’s an anthropologist who found polar skulls and a Dharma collar in Tunisia (Don’t ask me how it got there)

Prediction: She will be a regular. We need more strong female characters.

Frank Lapidus – Jeff Fahey

Frank Lapidus

The helicopter pilot of the freighter gang.

Highlight for spoilers: In the story, he was supposed to pilot the Oceanic Flight 815 but was replaced  by Greg Grunberg’s character. 

Prediction: He’s like the ‘Tom’ of the Freighter group, the average happy go lucky type of guy. Secondary character that will no doubt have a cult status for some fans.

Pics and descriptions courtesy of DarkUFO


Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m just going to put images that pops into my head when I think of 2007. Random and not in any order. Doing this as I go along.

To them, you’re just a freak….Like me!!

Paris Hilton goes to jail

We have to go back Kate!!

Myanmar monk protest

Master Chief last battle

Virginia Tech Massacre

Gimme More (not!)

So much for the hype LOL

I support the Writers!!!



Harry Potter is not dead, damn!

Well, actually there’s a lot of stuff I remember from 2007 and I’m too lazy to find all the images. Hehe

Happy 2008!!!

^^THE song of 2007 whether you like or not :mrgreen:

Stephen King’s The Stand – A review

It’s been tough for Lost fans for the past few months because we have to wait till February next year for a new season instead of this Fall. What’s even more depressing is that we might get to see only 8 new episodes next year if the the writers’ strike does not stop immediately. To get my Lost “fix” I decided to buy The Stand a novel by Stephen King which the writers of Lost have mentioned to be their inspiration for the show. This can be clearly seen from the many parallels between the novel and the TV show (I’ll save that for another post). Anyway, I finished it in two weeks and it is easily one of my favourite novel. Furthermore, this is my first Stephen King novel (I’ve only watch movie adaptations of his work)

The Stand



The novel is thick (approx. 1300 pages) and it has an evolving story. It started as an account of the fall of the American society due to an outbreak of a deadly virus (created by the government of course) through the eyes of several characters who are mysteriously  immune to it. By the middle of the book the story shifted gear into some sort of “road trip” story where the characters travel across America and meeting new characters. Eventually, the survivors are divided into two camps: the “good guys” at Boulder, Colorado under Mother Abigail (a 108 years old black woman who talks to God) and the “bad guys” at Sin City itself, Las Vegas ruled by Randall Flagg aka the dark man aka Walkin dude. By this time, the story changes into a socio-political commentary where our heroes tries to rebuild civilization from scratch. Towards the end, some of our heroes make a ‘Stand’ against Flagg at Las Vegas with a surprise ending that some readers may dislike.


You could say that I’ve basically ruined the whole plot in the last paragraph but the real strength of the novel is not the plot but the characters. This novel is long and the story drags in the first half of the book but slow plot development is compensated with deep character development. By the end of the book, you will feel as if you’ve known these characters for a long time. Stu, Frannie, Glen, Harold Lauder, Nick, Larry Underwood, Tom Cullen, Randall Flagg, THE TRASHCAN MAN! and even minor characters such as the Kid and Rat-man are all simply unforgettable. What makes it more depressing is that more than half of the main characters don’t make it till the end of the novel!

I like all the characters and have enjoyed reading them but if I have to pick I would say Larry Underwood and Glen Bateman. Larry is a cocky, short tempered, one hit wonder rock star who turned into one of the leaders of the survivors and made a huge sacrifice at the end. Glen is an old pessimistic sociologist who always comes up with theories that actually prophesized the events of the novel (eg. the Society A & Society B hypothesis). His ‘confrontation’ with Randall Flagg is one of my favourite part of the book.

The Ending **SPOILERS**

I know there are people who hated the conclusion at Las Vegas. Why didn’t the ‘Hand of God’ just destroy Flagg in the beginning? Personally, I believe that the ‘Hand of God’ can only be summoned until the characters reached their so called ‘redemption’ or apotheosis in their personal journey. This story isn’t simply about good vs evil, its about the individual journey that these characters take. Glen was an atheist (Or an agnostic, i can’t remember) but later he accepted his fate when he was sent by Abigail to go West. Out of the four guys that went West, he was the strongest and most ready to face death. Consequently, he got killed first but not before laughing his ass off at Randall. But hey, maybe Stephen King was just plain lazy and drunk when he wrote about the ‘Hand of God’ but whatever the real reason behind the sudden appearance of the ‘Hand of God’, I like stick with my explanation.

As for the Epilogue where Randall Flagg is alive, that fits in with the theme of Good vs Evil where instead of one side winning over another, they are locked into an eternal battle.

In short, I highly recommend this book. I hope they can adapt this into the big screen but since its long so it would probably divided into 2 or 3 movies. Yeah I know, there was a miniseries starring Gary Sinise in which I remember watching when I was a kid. I can’t remember how faithful the miniseries was to the novel, it was so long ago.