Brunei Superhero story returns – New Volume/Chapters – The Night of the Weretiger

Well, it has been quite a while since the last chapter was published (two years ago).

But I’m back with a brand new Volume titled ‘The Night of the Weretiger’.

This volume has Seven Chapters. Six out of Seven has been published (the final chapter of this Volume is not ready yet).

Chapter 10: Hotel Raid

In the continuing war against criminals, Kapten Brunei and Balau Man teams up with the police to raid a criminal gang meeting. However, they run into a mysterious third player.
04 Oct 2020

NOTE: An introduction to a new character that was originally supposed to be a minor character but I’ve grown to like her. Now having all sorts ideas for her character trajectory.

Chapter 11: Sapot Lokal

Ridzuan/Balau Man visits the ‘Fandom Kingdom‘ store to meet with Adam/Kapten Brunei. Ridzuan ends up taking a short trip through the wonderful ‘local section’
06 Dec 2020

NOTE:  Chapter 11 is just me taking what was supposed to be one fun scene and went overboard, turning into a whole chapter. Sometimes you need that one chapter that you’re just writing for fun.

Chapter 12: The Weretiger

Akmal investigates a mysterious case in Tutong involving a house break-in and kidnapping by a ‘Weretiger’. Meanwhile, Kapten Brunei fights the Weretiger in Pekan Tutong.
06 Dec 2020

NOTE:  This is where the central conflict of the Volume begins.

Chapter 13: Dayang Dynamite

Liza and Balau Man fends off the Weretiger in Katok. Flashback to events at Liza’s gym – Fitness Square.
06 Dec 2020

Chapter 14: Wira Darussalam

Flashbacks to events happening to Adam/Kapten Brunei leading to the Night of Weretiger
06 Dec 2020

NOTE: Chapter 12 and 14 have characters speak in Tutong language so I had to do double translations for that. I found out that there is no correct spelling for Tutong words LOL So kalau ada salah, please correct kan saja. Hope indo salah ba’asa Tutong jayi

Chapter 15: Kediakucing

Kediakucing sets out to hunt the Weretiger. Flashback reveals Kediakucing’s backstory.
06 Dec 2020

NOTE: There’s a part here that I was actually hesitant to write at first coz it might trigger people. But it’s important part of backstory.

I’m planning on writing a commentary on each of the chapters. That will come later.

In the meantime, enjoy the story!

I welcome any comments – either on this website, or on the Reddit post, or can ask me on my Twitter.

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